Tuesday, March 01, 2005

A New, Old Obsession

I'm taking a class right now on history, nostalgia, and American collective memory. This week, I will present an article on the Enola Gay controversy that took place in the mid 1990's. A little background: the Enola Gay is the fighter plane that dropped the first atomic bomb over Hiroshima in 1945. In 1994, the Smithsonian proposed an historical exhibition on the events leading to and the results of the bombing, featuring the restored fuselage of the Enola Gay, photos and mementos from a destroyed Hiroshima, personal narratives from American soldiers and Japanese survivors, etc. The exhibition caused a huge controversy prompted by the right, namely the American legion, who felt that the exhibition was un-American in its attempts to present the motivations for and the effects of the bombing in a way that did not blow sunshine up Uncle Sam's ass. The right proved quite effective, evoking the Republican Congress to threaten the Smithsonian with restricting funds if curators of the museum didn't work with American veteran groups, rather than just professional, academic historians, in creating the exhibit. The Smithsonian eventually caved, which pissed off the left who effectively argued that the "historical cleansing" the American Legion and their ilk were pressing for, was just another way to hijack history in favor of a carefully constructed, pro-American rhetoric where the government is some icon of morality and all of its actions are justified. The exhibition was abandoned for years as those who valued their own memories and sentiments of the war and the bombings fought it out with those who valued interpreting the facts and documents in a historical context with effects relevant to contemporary culture.

I said more about that than I meant to. I really just want to talk about my petty ego. But this class has really got me thinking. If American history can be hijacked by and for political motivations, then what about our own histories? Our personal histories. What politics are they hijacked by? Something in one of the readings I had for this class keeps coming into my head: "Nostalgia and romanticism are the equivalents of forgetfulness." Yes, exactly. That one statement articulates sentiments that I have had for a long time but have been unable to put into words. What is it that causes us individually and collectively to substitute nostalgia or, god forbid, romanticism for our actual lived experience? Do we really just forget the truth?

Here's my petty example: I have been known to revisit old relationships. Old, tired ass relationships that ended for perfectly legitimate reasons that I conveniently seem to,... well, forget. It hasn't happened countless times, but it has happened enough for me to know that I don't want to date anyone that I have already dated and broke up with again. And again. And, yeah, I know, some relationships are on-again, off-again. That's not what I am talking about; I am talking about relationships that have been dead (and buried) for years. YEARS. In the most recent of amnesianic random encounters with an ex, I was starkly reminded that this was a person who I had grown so far away from in the relationship, while we were in it, that we became virtually unrecognizable to one another. But because the only remnants of the relationship that I have are goofy pictures of us cutting up and romanticized memories, I convince myself the relationship was all shits and giggles and then I am disappointed that it isn't anymore. Even though the relationship ended (badly) years ago. What the fuck is that? I want to be able to run into an ex, or an old friend from a million years ago who I have nothing in common with anymore, and not be forced to pull whatever shreds we can conjure from the past into the now as if an old relationship could arrive in the present in tact.

If I could create an exhibition of my life, I'm worried that I would only want my selective memory represented. The memories of myself and the community around me that reflect me at my best, rather than me as I actually have been. What do I gain by allowing myself to block out the uglier parts of my life and my relationships? Am I convincing myself that I am actually a specific type of person by actively pursuing the memories that are the most attractive to me? Not that I want to constantly relive painful experiences, I certainly don't. But I also don't want to delude myself into thinking that my experiences have been anything other than what they have actually been, even if they don't look good on paper.

I guess it's tacky, and offensive, to talk about atomic bombings and old relationships in the same breath (although, all of a sudden it doesn't seem so far fetched...). What I'm really at odds with right now is how fragile and malleable and deceptive memories can be. And how much I sort of feed into the deception in order to convince myself of how much I've changed, or to remember myself in a way I might never have actually been. I'm going to start a 'shitty moment' archive and fill it with all the crappy things I have seen and done and said. Something to remind me to not forget.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well as having had a recent 26th birthday go by I couldn't help but reflect on life and my past experiences. First off is the realization that I am now officially closer to the age of 30 than of 20. Ouch. But the shock wore off, and now I just start most statements with "In my day..."

In the past year or so I've had jobs that allow for self reflection and rememberance. So I often found myself mentally drifting back to old places, experiences and people and examining what they meant to me and how they helped form my current self. I wouldn't say that these were exclusively positive or negative. I can't make that dicotimy so easily. I suppose I tend to reflect on what the experience means to me, what it has taught me and especially where it is leading me.

As time slips by it seems that I often feel grateful for the times that I have had, even those that were very stressful and possibly even painful. Because without them I wouldn't be who I am today (though far from perfect). Now, of course this personal philosophy can hold many exceptions, such as being the victim of crime or injury. But for those other challenges and barriers in life it can help you use the past to create a better future. Sounds kind of cheesy but it has given me some great insights and a pinch or two of humble wisdom.

You sure are right about nostalgia though. It is all too easy to remember the "good old days" when times were simpler and lived up to a higher standard of morality. Those times weren't better, they likely were just a bit different (or you were different). They still had their troubles and joys. The common trap is to yearn for the days gone by and try to turn back the clock. This will fail every time and lead to nothing but frustration. As in one of Johnny Cash's songs, you've just got to "drive on".

So I suppose, what I believe is that nothing is purely good or bad. It just is. Sounds kind of nilistic or agnostic but I think that everything can be looked at in an infinite number of lights. And you might end up chasing your own metaphorical tail if you try to summarize something as exclusively one or the other.

Lunch time. I hope I have a good experience...

1:36 PM  
Blogger goshdurnit said...

First off, you should really see "Hiroshima, Mon Amour" if you haven't already. It is about exactly what you are talking about - parallels between personal and societal needs to forget trauma.

Second, and this is related to what we were talking about last night (destroying old letters and such from the past), I understand why you want to make a clean break and destroy those things, BUT they provide an anchor which you can go back to much later, so you're view of the past doesn't become totally distorted. Sometimes when i haven't seen a person in months, their face distorts in my mind, but if I have a photo, I can get back to reality. Not to say that those old things can't be re-interpreted in new ways, but at least they're there to be interpreted.

It would be funny if we took more pictures of very mundane moments.

9:07 PM  
Blogger tko said...

I have seen "Hiroshima, Mon Amour" actually. And it certainly does grapple with remembering. Even more though, I think that what intrigues me (and what the movie addresses) is that nostalgia, in effect, is a coping mechanism for the inevitability of forgetting. We remember things in a certain light, or as being a certain way because we cannot remember how things actually were.
I'm not sure that old momentos are anchors to the past. If they are, they certainly won't offer a clear view of how things were. And you and I are just different in this way. It is my choice to not hang onto the litter of the past because I want distance to exist between me and the parts of my life that are over. For me, old momentos are more distorting than the shreds of memory I carry around with me.
Every single thing that happens in your life shapes who you are in the present and it isn't that I have contempt for the past, I don't. I mean, I can't. It's my sculpter. What I don't want to do, and what my original post was intended to address, is deliberately construct a personal history that is (naturally) rife with gaps and potholes, and feel the need to fill in those gaps with romantic, nostalgic putty that inherently glosses over parts of the authentic history. That's all.
And to be fair, I am a very sentimental person. I don't get rid of ALL old letters and pictures, just the ones that are superfluous to the life I intend to live.

10:45 PM  
Blogger Trey Guinn said...

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12:23 AM  
Blogger Trey Guinn said...

My lowly opinion:

We're humans so we only have interpretations, we don't record anything without it being clouded with bias. Maybe fresh memories are more "accurate", but that's probably hyper optimistic. Histories by their nature can't be accurate, especially one written by a single person about themselves. So I just enjoy good memories, learn from bad ones, and always keep in mind that no one can ever speak with authority on anything.

12:25 AM  

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