Thursday, December 02, 2004


As the semester winds down, I sit back to think of what I have actually learned this fall:

1. I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever take another class that requires me to be a part of a group project. Group projects are for children who need to learn how to share, they are not for quasi-adults who are well aware that they are incapable of it. I can't remember the last time that I turned in a group project that I felt proud of. "In the real world, you have to work in groups all the time..," yeah, and in the real world there is a boss who delegates responsibility and if you don't pull your weight you get demoted AND if you do it well you get paid. Don't even try it with that shit about the real world, I am not hearing it.

2. It is a normalized practice of higher education to assign more reading than could possibly be covered in class. This will most likely NEVER change, so it's not even worth bitching about... it just is.

3. The anticipation of getting the work done is far worse than actually diving into the work and doing it. Once even the slightest amount of work is done the blurry silhouettes of relief and accomplishment appear on the horizon. From there it's just a matter of steady moving and slick maneuvering until you're counting down the hours to your next drunk.

4. Blogs, friendster, and freewillastrology (not to mention the entirety of the internet) are AMAZING tools for procrastination. Having a computer at your fingertips for writing papers is awesome, having the internet at your fingertips when you are supposed to be writing papers is pure evil.

5. Good people are everywhere. And they are accessible. I knew this before this fall, but it has definitely been driven home as the gospel these last few months.

6. Time heals all wounds (DAMN CLICHES!!). I gotta say, it's sort of true. That's not to say that you won't be left with a burly scar that you can point at and bitch about constantly though. Time doesn't heal cynicism. But cracking up helps.

7. Don't shit where you eat. Period.

I have exactly one full day of video editing (grrrrr), one 3 question take home exam, and one 5 page essay (that I will pull from my arse) left to do before I have one semester down. Then I am going to get drunk for a month. The end.


Blogger jesse said...

i shat where i ate last night. And it was a fancy restaurant in Jakarta, Indonesia. Then I went #2 out my mouth. Whoopsie!

You should have been on the Apprentice. They do the best group projects ever. You'd be the hot chick everyone was too scared of to boot off. Then you could do low-level filing for that ex-billionaire with the hair-raft on his forehead for the REST of your life.

12:31 PM  
Blogger Gigi Lee said...

Working together at a job does not equate "group work" or group projects. You're absolutely right; group projects are bullshit and you shouldn't have to do them. What the hell do professors know about the real world anyway? They were probably only in fluorescent-lit cubicle hell for a few years before going back to school, and back then, there was no such thing as group work. It was all clawing your way to the top no matter who's mouth your shit drops into on the way. I, for one, refuse to eat shit, and so, I stay here, complacent in my cubicle, and will look forward to snacking on the leftovers from the upcoming "Winter Holiday" party.

4:31 PM  

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